Asset management, Central banking, Inflation, Market trends, Stock market, Trend following

Bear market or bubble reflation: what comes next?

In March last year, I published an article looking at historical perspective on boom/bust cycles in SeekingAlpha. I suggested then that, “the (still) festering economic imbalances might get resolved along two alternative scenarios. Either we’ll have a full-blown deflationary depression that could see asset prices drop by 50% or more, or we’ll have a strong and sustained decline in the US Dollar, ” accompanied with a continued rise in equity markets. Today, the latter scenario appears more likely. Here’s why: Continue reading

Health, Policy, Truth

Reject fear: your immune system is robust and resilient – your best bet for good health and vitality

Three weeks ago I published, “Don’t succumb to virus fear,” – one of my best read articles so far. As a layman, I hesitated to publish more than just 6 paragraphs based on official data with only very simple, non-controversial advice on how to bolster your immune system.

In the intervening days, many experts have come out offering essentially the same advice. Today I came across the superb interview with Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT immunologist with four PhDs whose message is authoritative and completely in agreement with my timid prose from a few weeks ago. Continue reading
