Energy crisis, Great Reset, Policy, Politics, Social development, Tyranny

By hook and by crook: pushing the Great Reset

Last July, following a 3-hour call with with the German firebrand MEP Christine Anderson, I published the article, “A small short: the coming collapse of the air travel industry,” about the strange epidemic of travel chaos at airports around the western world. The contention from three industry insiders on that call was that the chaos was being deliberately orchestrated to destroy the air travel industry. They presented detailed and compelling evidence for their contention.

Of course, any such conspiracy theorizing tends to elicit raised eyebrows among the normies. Evidence or no evidence, they reject whatever can’t be linked to “credible sources” in legacy media (by contrast, they’ll accept the official narratives even on statements attributed to unnamed officials). The dismissal of any suggestion that there might be a planned agenda to destroy an entire industry usually leads with the question, “who would do such a thing?

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Economics, Monetary reform, Policy, Politics, Real life, Social development

Policy: economic growth or quality of life?

Published on my Substack, 7 Dec. 2022.

It goes without saying that the key policy objective of fiscal and monetary authorities the world over is to achieve and sustain economic growth. This imperative is ultimately the by-product of the fraudulent monetary system we’ve had in place for several centuries now. In that time, the system has shaped and distorted economic and social policy, economic theory, cultural norms and even the way we think of ourselves.

But living under this system has been a relatively recent socioeconomic experiment. It has proven highly flawed, unsustainable and even pathogenic. At present, it is in an irreversible decline, and it is incumbent upon our generation to rethink and reimagine how to build the future, as even the Davos set claims we must. But we cannot hope to solve society’s problems unless we diagnose the problems correctly.

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Eurasia, History, Liberty, Policy, Politics, Social development, Tyranny, War and peace

Is the age of permanent war finally over?

Recent events in the world have given me great hope that we might finally emerge from the century of permanent war. The Great Reset agenda seems to be losing steam and those in charge of implementing it are losing conviction (with the exception, perhaps, of the very top echelon in power). At the same time, the ranks of people who are opposed to it and are willing to take a stand, appear to be swelling.

Since the very start of the great pandemic of 2020, something about the public health response didn’t feel right. It was clear from the measures that were enacted and from measures that were not enacted that their purpose had little to do with public health. Instead, they seemed to further a different agenda. Soon we learned that this was all connected to World Economic Forum’s hugely ambitious Fourth Industrial Revolution or the Great Reset. But the agenda and the steps taken seemed rushed, panicked and frankly, hopeless.

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Central banking, History, Media, Monetary reform, Policy, Politics, Social development, Truth, War and peace

Covid 19: the banking cartel is driving the agenda

For weeks now, the media and “health” authorities have relentlessly promoted a fear-inducing narrative about the Covid 19 “pandemic” as if the daily count of new “cases” were a major public health emergency, sensationalized by the media nearly 24/7. The official narrative is sharply at odds with the gathering voices from hundreds of doctors, virologists and epidemiologists.

Incoherence of the official narrative

Supposing that we are up against a “once-in-a-century” pandemic, this would be a great challenge for humanity, wrought with uncertainty. One would expect to encounter a lively debate, discussions, much doubt and controversy. Journalists should seek out as many domain experts as possible so we can all gain the clearest possible understanding of the new health challenge and how to confront it. Effective treatments should be promoted, celebrated, screamed from the rooftops. But the reality is very different. Continue reading
