Great Reset, History, Liberty, Politics, Tyranny

Trump, China and the emerging reign of terror

Commenting about Nancy Pelosi‘s provocative recent visit to Taiwan in my last week’s article I questioned the point of provoking an unwinnable conflict against China:

But what could be the point of provoking China? Do American Congressmen, think tanks and sundry Admirals and Generals think they can defeat China? Obviously, they can’t possibly think that, they just spent 20 years trying to defeat the Taliban in Afghanistan and failed. Even the Pentagon’s own war simulations came to the conclusion that their Pacific fleet would be destroyed in short order in a war against China. So the risks are clear. What benefits could possibly justify taking such risks?

The important bit to realize here is that the primary target of the war against China would not really be China. It would be the American people. The shiny new world war in the Pacific would deflect people’s attention from the metastasizing crises at home, redirect people’s anger at a foreign enemy and for the same high price also provide the ideal smokescreen for a radical crackdown on dissent against the racists, nazis, enemy sympathizers, deplorables, domestic extremists, insurrectionists and all other kinds of thought criminals. As James Madison warned us, “If tyranny and oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy.”

Thankfully, other than posturing and saber-rattling nothing much happened in South China Sea thus far. But in just the past few days we saw very chilling developments in the US including the political show trial of journalist Alex Jones, this week’s FBI raid of former President Trump‘s private residence, as well as the tax collecting agency, IRS seeking to recruit 87,000 new agents. There are “only” 724 billionaires in the US at present, and the IRS certainly wouldn’t need that many agents to shake down the ultra high net-worth cohort. Instead, the swelling army of IRS agents will be unleashed on the ordinary Americans. It takes only a cursory reading of history to understand that none of this is random.

There is necessarily an organizing principle and an agenda behind these events. If their actions today are as brazen as raiding a former President’s home, what might they be willing and able to do behind the smokescreen of a major war? In that event, the news media would be saturated 24/7 with highly emotional war stories (real and fake) and any kind of abuse of power against any individual or group would get little notice and perhaps even enthusiastic approval from a large segment of the society.

In yesterday’s interview on Fox News, Senator Marco Rubio of all people offered a valid explanation of what’s going on. Referencing the experience of Latin-American dictatorships over the last century, he said: “Here’s what happens: a group takes power; one of the first things that group does is that they begin to persecute and go after their political opponents, and then when the supporters of their political opponents begin to complain about it, they begin to target them and they criminalize opposition.

Since the FBI raid, social media have in fact exploded with calls for a crackdown on Trump supporters and conservatives in general. The sentiment was captured well by the popular author and „anti-racism activist“ Tim Wise in a (now deleted) Tweet: „Any MAGAt who advocates violence in response to Trump facing justice should be arrested now. Free speech does not give you the right to advocate violence. Arrest them. Crush them. Make their children functional orphans. End them.“

Hundreds, perhaps thousands of comments have echoed Wise’s comment – many of them in even more extreme terms. This is indeed the language of political extremism, the kind that gave rise to the reigns of terror of sorts that has emerged many times through history, from revolutionary France, Bolshevik Russia and China during the Cultural Revolution. That history should be required reading for any would-be defender of liberty today. We should not complacently assume that our affluent, hi-tech societies are in any sense immune to succumbing to such episodes.

Liberty is that one spice of life that gives meaning and value to everything else. It is the basic prerequisite of gratification in everything else we do. But today liberty in the western world is at a far greater risk than it has been in generations. It is time for us all to pay attention, guard against manipulation and groupthink, and be on alert. It is time to be brave. The lessons of history show that neither wealth nor status, and not even zealous party affiliation afford protection against the rising reign of terror if we allow it to metastasize.

What happens in the United States could largely determine the course of history for the rest of humanity. Long ago, Georg Friedrich Hegel prophesied that, “America is therefore the land of the future, where, in the ages that lie before us, the burden of the World’s history shall reveal itself.” Or, as in addressing the American people Ernesto “Che” Guevara put it, “I envy you. You North Americans are very lucky. You are fighting the most important fight of all – you live in the belly of the beast.”

Alex Krainer is the creator of I-System Trend Following offering effective, reliable and cost-efficient turn-key portfolio solutions with a proven track record of success. We also publish the TrendCompass reports providing daily real-time CTA intelligence on hundreds of financial and commodities markets including Crude Oil, Gold, Wheat, Bitcoin, Japanese Yen and many others. One month free trial is always on the house. To request a trial, just drop us a note to


8 thoughts on “Trump, China and the emerging reign of terror

  1. Pingback: Trump, China, and the rising reign of terror - Extreme Investor Network

  2. Pingback: August 2022 Conservative Article Reference List | Fatherly Advice and Rants

  3. Sam says:

    It is ironic that Rubio calls all those corporate-fascist democrats that go after Trump and the like, extreme left. It is the silly blindness of the ideologue. What did he do for four years under Trump, regarding the criminality of Clinton and her gang?
    Meanwhile his warmongering outbursts against China and Russia don’t need any incentive from the democrats, as they are as unhinged as theirs.
    The democrats spearhead the social destruction of their country, and beyond. The republicans follow them like lap dogs, with a barking here and there, but never a single snarl of serious confrontation to such hellish ideology. And Rubio is part of that crowd of yes men.


    • I hear you. I do not have a high regard for Rubio and the fact that he took a stand (at least a correct posture) on this issue is itself a strange testament to the situation in the US.


  4. Elena says:

    Hi Alex. Marco is up for election in Nov. He is just posturing. He has a good chance of losing his seat to a Democrat because he is a RINO fraud..God Bless
    PS I really enjoy your interviews. Very enlightening!


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